Living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

posted on: September 6, 2019 |
Tomorrow is Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) day. DMD is a genetic disorder that is characterized by progressive muscular deterioration and weakness. Although there is no cure, physical therapy and medications can significantly help to control symptoms and improve quality of life.
I recently read an article that shares the struggles that two strong individuals face every day. Shawn and Deb Jenssen are the parents of two young girls living with Duchenne. Their remarkable story highlights the importance of understanding that disabilities affect everyone ‒ from the person living with it to those who care for them. You can check it out here!
Here at STRIDE, we recognize that every child must be cared for and provided with the resources they deserve. Although it may not always be acknowledged by others, we also understand that a disability impacts the family and providers as well.
Whenever possible, STRIDE makes it its mission to provide “respite” to the family and caretakers. Whether it’s a few minutes or a few days that parents can have to themselves while their kids are under supervision in our programs, it’s a gift we are happy to give!
Recently, parents who sent their kids to our SCORE Camp (STRIDE Center for Outdoor Recreation and Education)expressed how nice it was to have a day where they were able to do something together as a couple.
With the anticipated opening of our SHARE (STRIDE Health and Recreation Educational) Center, we will be able to provide even more great programs for kids with disabilities and combat-injured veterans! We are passionate about providing even more respite for families and caretakers with our family/warrior lounge.
This Duchenne Awareness Day, let’s also keep the parents and caretakers in mind. We know it can be a thankless job, but we are grateful from the bottom of our hearts for everything you do!
– Posted by Nora Kipp